life updates
this is a list of short updates from my life. it would be pretty cool if i could keep this up on a weekly basis, maybe writing one or two sentences every weekend. but i'm not pressuring myself into doing anything here, so i can't promise i'll update this regularly. though, if you want to know how i'm doing - passing by here is probably the best you can do!
february 15, 2025, saturday
i'm moving into my first ever own apartment this coming week. really really excited. i am finally starting to feel like i can control my own life...
january 26, 2025, sunday
a lot of things have happened. i have finished my bachelor's degree, have started full-time work, and just 2 days ago i signed the contract for my first apartment. my boyfriend and i have since finished gravity falls, and, on top of that, the first season of dandadan. it's crazy how time flies.
january started with 3 weeks of team activities for work in vienna and münster. they were pretty fun, and i got along really well with most of my coworkers, to the point where i'm genuinely glad to have met them. but i'm also pretty tired and relieved to be back home.
now, it feels like the year can truly start. i have a few resolutions, namely developing a wardrobe i really like and getting back in shape. these are both goals i very much look forward to, so i actually feel like they're achievable. also, generally, this is the year i'm fully moving into my own apartment - that is a first-time experience for me, so who knows what's coming...
once again, i am very much looking forward to these next few weeks months.
september 9 2024, sunday
i recently pretty much finished doing the work for my bachelor's thesis. there's a few wishes my professor had regarding some small changes - that's what i'll be working on this week. once those changes are done, i can finally actually start writing!
i've also finally caught up with doing my daily vocabulary on anki. it would be pretty cool if there was a language learning webring, but i have yet to come across one. maybe one day i could make my own? though i feel like i should first bring this website into a state where i am satisfied, and maybe join a few webrings to see how these things work...
my boyfriend and i are about to finish the first season of gravity falls. it's surprisingly fun, especially for a kids show! i didn't expect to be enjoying myself this much. we also went to ikea yesterday, and i finally bought a lamp for my bedside table. now i can finally read in the evening without awkwardly using my smartwatch as a flashlight...
i am looking forward to these next weeks.